The Crisis of "PhD graduates and Early-Career Scientists" is "Anomaly in the Anatomy of Academy!?.
In the latest "Nature Editorial", the following Editorial piece appeared (linked below). While the piece carries grim reality check on PhD graduate students based on results from a recent survey done by Nature,intention sure is a good one, they do not know how to write a title. The title itself is a questionable one, the plight of early career or PhD graduates low pay or living wage according to nature is a Scandal, like a Hollywood movie scandal or Washington DC scandal, is it?,Really Nature?.
The living wage for graduate students or Post Docs or early scientists is not a Scandal, it is rather endemic, intrinsic system wide corrupt practice, because the academic structure is "Designed" that way?.
It is not a temporary issue or a scandal between a supervisor or University admin or govt funding agencies, it is a crippling bigotry in "Equitable" treatment of young graduates and PostDocs, and it is a chronic debilitating structural issue of American Universities, Institutions as well as the global academic centers.
It is a Crisis that will deteriorate scientific endeavors and future scientific discoveries, once the young generation of scientists realize what they see or undergo is by design, interest and involvement in such field will take a nosedive, it is too late but still can be repaired and fixed.
Ofcourse time is running out
Quote:"This year’s survey should set loud alarm bells ringing for anyone involved with recruiting and training the next generation of researchers. It demands swift, decisive action from governments and funding agencies to secure the future of science and the broader economic and social benefits that flow from it"".
fortunately Science still is meaningful and attractive to young minds around the world regardless of so much fakery and political derailing of science and research that recently happened or still happening in the name of Covid-19!?. Massively politicized, manipulated and utterly faked, mane made pandemic that lots of Scientists knowingly participated, events and unscientific approach like this would push the young minds that are already weary of "living wage or pay crisis" away from research..!
However, the fight and protest
Quote: " On 11 October, a graduate-student group at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, staged a walkout as part of an ongoing protest calling for a guaranteed living wage and for the kinds of rights and benefits that come with academic employment contracts. The group is also looking to form a union, which it wants Dartmouth to recognize"these young scientists put up to resolve these living wage and benefits issues that catapulted into "Unionization", the union way of fix up sure can help and heal the academic fractures to some extent, some centers like Uconn Health Center (UCHC) where the first Postdoctoral Union was formed prospered, became one of the finest research centers in America contrary to what most thought, unionization will fail, will create rift and not the right path ultimately bow down to the unionization, that is spreading all across US. However, I caution that Unionization works and it is fine to embrace, but the leaders and policy makers and stakeholders got to "overhaul" the way academic and research centers function with regard to "living wages and Pays" to graduates, PhD students and PostDocs, they are the Pillars of Science, medicine and Research!. A nation without best scientists and research will ultimately fail, will be a failed society.
This Scientific crisis must never be looked at as a temporary or short term issue or a scandal that will go away or carpeted under academic ladder? but this is a pervasive existence of "anomaly in the anatomy of academy!?.", the pain and endurance among early career students and graduates, PostDocs is not felt only during economic crisis or inflation or wall street crash!!!!
Quote:"The resulting financial pressures weigh more heavily on some than on others. They bear down particularly hard on people from low-income households, those who might be first in their families to go to university, and people from under-represented or historically marginalized groups — the very people whom universities are working diligently to recruit and retain.
perhaps little more pain during inflation or economic crisis but like a long lasting chronic pain, living wages and standard of living pain endurance for them continue through any and all state or countries economic condition..!.
Quote: "Institutions need to re-evaluate their approach to PhD support"
Exactly, not just re-evaluate, be proactive and make changes to their policies to lend support and encourage in healthy ways than damn discouraging atmosphere, a "wholesome" academic structural change and upliftment is inevitable to safegaurd the young scientists future, thereby Science's future.
Link to Nature Editorial:
The scandal of researchers paid less than a living wage (
This is a system wide structural corruption within the academic
Link to the Nature Article below:
The scandal of researchers paid less than a living wage
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