Why it is important ascertain the PostDoc numbers?. I will comeback to this question and answer later but lets look at any stat or number available anywhere on the internet or from news!.No one will be able to answer this question, because no one knows the exact numbers, no such research studies or analysis done so far. As far the Old and presumed number during 1970s were around 70,000 PostDocs. If that numbers were true number of PostDocs during 70s, it would have multiplied multiple times by now!. At least doubled into 150,000 or more? (not known?).
In the Feb 2012 issue of Scientific American, Beryl Lieff Benderly (she covers PostDoc topics) wrote in her piece titled "Does the U.S. Produce Too Many Scientists?"
"The total number of postdocs in U.S. labs is unknown, but it may be as high as 90,000, according to Indicators. At least half of them, experts agree, are non-citizens. This tangle of trends, many observers argue, reflects a labor market gone seriously awry". As far the actual number of postdocs, it is anybody's guess at this moment, a thorough analysis is required.
The total number of PostDocs in US is not known, but the total number of Federal Postdocs, "that means" employed by Federal government, the Fed institutions is quite well known, head count or study of the number of PostDocs in Federal institute, comprehensive data is published here
Number of Postdocs at Federally Funded Research and Development Centers Rebounds After Several Years of Decline
by Serena E. Hinz and Kelly H. Kang1National Science FoundationgSocial, Behavioral and Economic Sciencesg
http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/October 2016 NSF 17-301
In 2015, federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) in the United States employed a total of 2,696 postdoctoral researchers (postdocs). Although this number is lower than the peak of 3,011 reported in 2010, it shows a rebound after two consecutive survey years of decline (see table 1).
More updates and information of this topic to be updated soon!!..
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