Science Blogging 2008: London forum: topic
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Conference Programme
Matt Brown
Tuesday, 01 July 2008 09:33 UTC
Saturday 30 August at the Royal Institution
Please find below the official programme. We will update this first post if any changes are introduced, so this information will always be up to date.
8:30 – 9:45 Coffee/Breakfast; Proposal of unconference sessions
9:45 – 10:00 Opening remarks Naomi Temple, Royal Institution; Matt Brown/Corie Lok, Nature Network
10:00 – 10:30 Keynote: Ben Goldacre
(title to be confirmed)
10:30 – 11:30 Panel: The scientific life, exposed.
Jenny Rohn, Grrl Scientist, Anna Kushnir. Moderated by Mo Costandi.
Mistrust of scientists is common, and misinterpretation of scientific results rampant. Science blogs can serve as a bridge between scientists and the general public. Blogs build a community of scientists in which they can discuss the peculiarities of their jobs, their work, and their results. More than that, science blogs have the power to demystify the scientific process for the public and to reverse deeply held stereotypes of scientists. In this session, we will discuss how science blogs can change the public’s perception of scientists and provide a support framework for scientists themselves.
11:30 – 11:45 Short break; Voting on unconference sessions
11:45 – 12:30 Morning breakout sessions. Three parallel sessions of 45 minutes, with option to go 15 minutes longer.
Breakout 1: There’s a giraffe on my unicycle: Can blogging unlock your creativity?
Claire Dudman, Brian Clegg and Henry Gee
Poincaré talked about ideas like gas molecules colliding in the room of his mind; Einstein talked about dreams; and Archimedes was in his bath when it hit him…that lightbulb going on, that great insight, that EUREKA MOMENT when two apparently unrelated ideas come together. Can blogging be a useful catalyst for creativity? Using a few examples from our own experiences as a springboard, we intend this to lead to a workshop/discussion on how blogging can help us create. Please bring your giraffe and your unicycle along with you.
Breakout 2: How to make friendfeeds and influence people
Matt Wood
An introduction to microblogging and aggregation services (such as Friendfeed, Twitter, Tumblr etc), before opening things up to a discussion on their use in science, open notebooks, etc.
Breakout 3: How to enhance your blog
Maxine Clarke and Euan Adie
Once you have decided to blog, what kind of blog do you choose? Blogging within a network, blogging on a stand-alone platform, group blogging, or microblogging all have advantages and disadvantages, as we will outline.
However you blog, it is all about communication and conversation, and we’ll be revealing some of the things you can do to increase your internet presence, whether you are just a bit of a magpie (Maxine) or a bedroom coder (Euan), or at some point in between. We hope to have a lively discussion with participants about these topics.
12:30 – 1:45 Lunch and networking; Announce afternoon unconference sessions
1:45 – 2:30 Afternoon breakout sessions. Three parallel sessions of 45 minutes, with option to go 15 minutes longer.
Breakout 4: Science in Second Life: a virtual tour
Jo Scott
Jo will take you on a tour of the key sites of relevance to scientists in the virtual world Second Life. A group discussion will then look at how useful such environments are (or could become) for disseminating scientific ideas and holding virtual conferences.
Breakout 5: Science blogs and online forums as teaching tools
Martin Fenner, Oliver Obst, Jeff Marlow
We will discuss the role that science blogs and online forums are having in teaching science today. In a panel discussion we will look at practical examples and examine their potential as well as their shortcomings. To foster the use of these online tools in teaching, we hope to come up with a list of suggestions for both educators and software developers at the end of the session. (Other panellists to be decided.)
Breakout 6: Communicating Primary Research Publicly
Heather Etchevers, Jean-Claude Bradley and Bob O’Hara
New web technologies afford unprecedented opportunities to share scientific data and results before official publication in a traditional journal. What are the benefits and drawbacks for a scientist to use these tools? Could the role of traditional publishers change as more scientists adopt increasingly diverse mechanisms to disclose research? How might this change the way science is done in the future?
2:30 – 3:15 Coffee and networking
3:15 – 4:15 Unconference sessions: 3 parallel sessions to be decided on the day by vote. If you’d like to speak, or lead a discussion, pitch your ideas in the morning before the first talk. You can begin discussing potential sessions in the conference forum.
4:15 – 5:30 Embracing change: taking online science into the future
Richard Grant, Cameron Neylon and Peter Murray-Rust. Moderated by Timo Hannay.
The panelists summarise the key themes of the day and provide a look into the future of online communication and collaboration in science. The goal is for attendees to come away with things they can do to enhance communication of science online.
5:30 – 5:40 Closing remarks Matt Brown/Corie Lok/Royal Institution
5:45 Drinks and networking at the Ri, to be continued at a local pub (location to be announced).
For any questions or concerns regarding the programme, please email network [at]
Updated 22 August 2008 16:30 UTC
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