PRO/UAW site provides all the past and ongoing bargaining updates periodically, do check the site here. The latest of the update was published on Oct 9, 2009. They are making great progress, as per this update you will notice that they have bargained on various priority fronts and only few more to be dealt with and to the most part they are doing good, with the economy doing so terrible, they were able to move forward and almost set a baseline salary for PostDocs at 37.4K, a much better salary than it was though this not the best?.... Look at Uconn Health Center negotiated salary and benefits.
PRO/UAW Bargaining Update
October 9, 2009
Dear PRO/UAW Postdocs,
We have just completed four more days of bargaining with UC administrators. We reached agreement on several important articles that will significantly improve Postdoc working conditions—Leaves, Paid Time Off, Union Rights, Union Security and Work-Incurred Illness and Injury. Major improvements in these articles include winning the right for Postdocs to take more time off work with more compensation for important life events like having a baby or caring for a sick family member.
At this point, only a few issues remain unresolved. These include health and other benefits, wages, appointments rights and security, and not giving up the right of individual Postdocs to exercise their conscience in support of other workers’ strikes. UC is taking a particularly hard line on wages—arguing that Postdocs should be satisfied with their current salaries. We agree that Postdoc salaries are improved after the October 1st increase in the minimum salary that UC, as a result of bargaining with us, had to provide. The new minimum of $37,400 is still too low and all Postdocs, not just those at the minimum, deserve pay increases that reflect the cutting-edge research that Postdocs perform.
These will be difficult issues to settle both because of the economic crisis UC is experiencing and because UC negotiators continue to stall reaching final agreement in a number of ways including not providing critical information we need to bargain over these issues.
We are scheduled to bargain again with UC on October 26 and 27. As always, we will update you on any developments. Your support and willingness to fight for a strong first contract will continue to be critical as we push forward to reach a final agreement. If you have questions or would like to get more involved, please contact us by responding to this email.
In Solidarity,
The PRO/UAW Bargaining Team
Laura Bartley
Xiaoqing Cao
Kirill Afonin
Pace Lubinsky
Dil Kapadia
Oki O'Connor
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